- Antreprenoriat și leadership – 5 credite ECTS
- Econometrie și statistica economică – 5 credite ECTS
- Analiza strategică și strategii concurențiale de firmă – 5 credite ECTS
- Dezvoltarea inovațională a întreprinderilor – 5 credite ECTS
- Sisteme de management al calității – 5 credite ECTS
- Gestiunea financiar-contabilă – 5 credite ECTS
Entrepreneurship and Business Administration is the master’s degree program which curriculum is modernized within the ReSTART project.
The aim of the project is to integrate and improve the digital learning and entrepreneurship needs of students, teachers and local businesses based on internationalization, strategic partnerships and innovative cooperation, within the «B.P.Hasdeu» State University of Cahul.
The general objective of the ReSTART project is to extend the benefits and increase the impact of the modernized entrepreneurial curriculum on the students of the second cycle master and of the scientific-didactic staff, by capitalizing on the advanced experience in the field, in the higher education institutions within the consortium. The disciplines modernized from this program are:
Entrepreneurship and leadership — 5 ECTS credits;
Econometrics and economic statistics — 5 ECTS credits;
Strategic analysis and competitive business strategies — 5 ECTS credits;
Innovative business development — 5 ECTS credits;
Quality management systems — 5 ECTS credits;
Financial-accounting management — 5 ECTS credits.